Which Direction Do You Sleep In? According to Ayurveda, It Matters
Manish T Manish T

Which Direction Do You Sleep In? According to Ayurveda, It Matters

On a scale of one to 10, how would you rank the quality of your sleep? Do you wake up feeling refreshed? Or do you feel completely zapped of energy, as though you never actually slept? Perhaps you toss and turn all night due to active and agitating dreams. You can blame it on the late afternoon chocolate pick-me-up, the glass of Malbec, or the conflict at work, but it might actually be your sleeping direction.

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10 Ways to Beat Allergies with Ayurveda
Manish T Manish T

10 Ways to Beat Allergies with Ayurveda

This is a particularly bad season for those of us who suffer from allergies.We find ourselves confronted with seemingly benign substances floating through the air, spelling discomfort for those of us who suffer.

What exactly are allergies? Why do we have them at some points in our lives and not at others? Why is it that one person can gleefully play with their dogs for hours on end, while others can’t get within 200 meters of a puppy without developing itchy eyes and a fit of sneezing and coughing?

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A Beginner’s Guide To Ayurveda
Manish T Manish T

A Beginner’s Guide To Ayurveda

It all begins withAyurveda is one of the oldest traditional medical systems in the world, originating in India more than 3,000 years ago. With the resurging interest in integrative medicine in the U.S., Ayurveda is an increasingly popular holistic health option. While research into the scientific efficacy of various Ayurvedic treatments is ongoing, this ancient practice continues to be a well-regarded and even dominant medical system in other parts of the world, including India. an idea.

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